Monday, August 8, 2011

August 8th, 2011 - A Weekend of Distractions

Well, it’s another blazing Monday and the start of a brand new week. I’ve got four weeks left in my first summer off and I just know they’re gonna go by sooooo fast. Normally by the time summer ends I’m ready to go back, but I’m not so sure about this year. I had a really busy weekend, which worked great for distracting me from the issues of my house. Here’s a little recap:

An impromptu barbie and then off to the Grove

Since our friend Rose has been in town for a party, we all decided to go to Cherry Grove on Saturday night. He hadn’t been there in years and so we planned on spending the evening there. I had had a barbecue the night before and I had a lot of leftover food, so I invited Rose, Blanche and Dita over for a pre-Fire Island barbecue. It was a nice start to a really fun night.

We all headed out on the 7:20 from Sayville and got to the Grove a little before 8. The weather wasn’t as nice as it had been in previous weeks, but that was okay. Though we started off at the Ice Palace, we soon headed to Cherry’s because they were hosting a 1971 class reunion of what looked like mostly straight people. They were playing disco music and we were hard pressed to find any guy-guy or girl-girl couples.

I know it brings money to the place, but straight people have enough places to go without invading our territory. It seems that every year the place attracts more and more straight people, and honestly it’s annoying that what’s been our summer playground for years and years is slowly becoming an unrecognizable shadow of its former self.

Fun and Creepers at Cherry’s

In all Saturday was a really fun night. We were joined over there by Eddie’s sister and nephew, who were both very pleasant, and the good company made for an enjoyable evening, despite the rain that came for a short time. My new buddies Lisa and Laurie were there, and eventually they joined our circle of dancing fools. Even Rich, who has two sore feet and doesn’t always like to dance, was wiggling and giggling all night long with the rest of us.

One creepy aside to the evening were these two guys, Alfonse and Billy, who used to be a couple back in the day, but are now best friends who often go out together. I remember Alfonse from back then. He was one of those classically good-looking guys who turned heads wherever he went and his looks haven’t waned. I never caught his eye, or so I thought until Saturday. Apparently he did notice me.

“I had the biggest crush on you twenty years ago,” he whispered in my ear on the dance floor the other night.

“Gee, then why didn’t you ever say so back then,” I thought. Call me cynical, but I’m not so sure I believed him. I found out on Saturday, as did my other friends, that Alfonse is a very forward acting sort of creeper who seems to take whatever he wants without asking. Though he had done so once before a couple of weeks ago, what he did on Saturday was ten times worse. Almost from the moment he said that to me, he started groping and feeling his way around my person like he was feeling for a ripe melon in the produce section at the supermarket.

The groping and kissing and hugging continued as he and Billy came over to our group and Fonzi plied similar moves towards my other friends. What a creeper! I’m actually glad he never told me about his “crush” back in the day!

Dinner and dance therapy in the city

Last night I met my friend Ivan in the city for some dinner and dancing. At first I was planning on just dinner, but dance therapy is still in order, so after a nice Thai dinner and some good conversation, we ended up at Splash. We were supposed to try this place downtown called “Greenhouse,” but we missed the open bar at ten and since it’s really expensive there was no other place we could think of to go to dance. We promised to make a date to go, though, before the end of the summer. I heard it’s hella cool!

Splash was alright, for a Sunday night. We got there during their weekly Amateur Strip Contest, which was okay. A funny thing was that the drag queen hosting the show was the same one from the Sea Tea the week before and this other really strange dude from the ride was there, too. He’s a tall, bearded, leather daddy kind of dude, with sparkling high heeled pumps and green, glittery makeup. Only in New York!

Anyway, once the show was over and a winner had been announced, they opened up the dance floor and Ivan and I danced our asses off for the next hour and a half. Mission complete! All was good and now it’s Monday morning and the distractions are gone. Now it’s time to think…

1 comment:

  1. Remember its all about how you approach things, think of the benefits of the situation instead of the negative. Don't think too much
