Happy Monday everyone! Today was a long, rough day for me so I’m glad it’s over, that’s for sure. Luckily for me, though, I’ve been trying really hard to get through the days by trying to put a positive spin on things, and so I’m not going to let things get the best of me. Life is full of ups and downs, and attitude is everything. Hey, I think I’ve got a theme for today!
The A to Z Bloggers Challenge
There’s a little friendly competition going on amongst my Y!CN/Facebook family. It’s called the A to Z Challenge and it’s for those of us who blog. The idea is to work your way through the alphabet with a daily theme centered around the letters. Though I thought about joining it when they started, I abstained. After all, time is way too short for me and to keep up with it would be a monumental task.
Just yesterday, my friend Theresa Leschmann asked me if I was in the challenge and I told her I wasn’t. She told me that the group was going to start working backwards in the alphabet soon and I should join in then. Without a chance to protest, my name was thrown into the ring and now I'm a part of the group. I have no idea what’s going to happen from here on in, I’ve got an “A” word for today and so maybe it’s a start. We’ll see.
“A” is for Attitude
For the past couple of weeks I’ve been consciously trying to work on my attitude towards the things in my life. Historically I’ve been guilty of making myself the victim whenever circumstances in my life don’t go my way and I’m trying to change that. I recognize that I shouldn’t sweat the small stuff, and that if I look at things from a positive perspective, everything will seem brighter. At this moment in time, I think it’s working, and here are some of the reasons why:
Tests of my mettle
Where do I start? There have been several things that have happened in my life that in the past I would have just thrown in the towel. But instead of sulking and saying "why me?", I just allowed the circumstances to play out and then I moved on from it. A key to life perhaps?
The other day I noticed that I had a bulge in my driver’s side front tire. It was one I just had replaced back in November, so I figured it was still under warranty. I took it back to the place where I had bought the tire originally and a new tire was put on the car today. When I went to pick it up, I was told that it wasn’t covered under the warranty because it was caused by some sort of ‘impact.”
Now I’ve been driving a long time and I think I would know if I had a big impact with a pothole or a curb. After a uncharacteristic and satisfying tirade directed at three workers in the automotive center and more than another $200 later, I allowed myself to shrug it off my shoulders and not worry about it again.

School was full of stress for me today. For one reason or another, I was handed tests galore from my fellow teachers for my students to work on and by 9:30 I was knee deep in US history, 8th Grade science, and the Pythagorean Theorem. I’m supposed to be teaching English, but my students don’t have anyone else to turn to for help and so…
Thankfully I have an early break and so I left the building to cool myself off and it worked. Though the day didn’t get any easier from there, I took it all with a grain of salt and made it through!

There’s one more crappy thing about today that I’m proud of getting through without concern. Today was his birthday. Of course I knew it was coming and even though I’ve managed to push him to the back of my mind of late, he was there today. I originally wanted to send him a birthday greeting on Facebook this morning, but then thought better of it. I look back on him with a lot of anger and regret these days, and though a part of me still misses him, I feel happy knowing that I’m just fine without him.
Focusing on the positives

A part of adapting to this new attitude, it's important to spend more time focusing on the positive things that happen in life. The blog is doing better with each day and I've added a couple of new sponsors for it which I hope will generate some giveback for all of this work. I'm hoping for bigger and better things for this site and focusing on it makes me happy.
Today marks three weeks without Fuzzy the stalker coming to call. I guess that phone call from the policeman did the trick!
I’ve been working out quite regularly and feeling really good about it. The past couple of weeks at Splash I’ve met several hotties and I think it’s because the workouts have given me newfound confidence. Look out summer, here I come!
Next week is spring break and I’m really looking forward to sleeping late, getting caught up on my writing, relaxing, and of course getting in a little extra dancing. Life is all about creating things to look forward to and next week will definitely be better than the Christmas and winter breaks, for sure!
Attitude is what life is all about. The way your attitude goes, so goes your life. I think I’m going to keep this new attitude for awhile. I kind of like the way it feels and I’m going to keep trying not to sweat the small stuff and focus on the positives. Until next time…thanks for reading!
P.S. Of course all of this writing about a new attitude has put a song in my head. Maybe you’ll remember this one:

I'm feelin' good from my head to my shoes...
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