There’s a theme to today’s piece, and its one I’ve been thinking about for awhile. I may try and tackle it one day on Examiner, but for now I’ll take it from my own first-person point of view. At the risk of dating myself, I’ve come to be really disappointed in today’s youth, especially the gay ones. The Black Eyed Peas had a song on their “The E.N.D.” album called “NOW Generation.” Though there wasn’t a video for the song, I will post the audio for it below. The song talks about the narcissism and impatience of today’s generation of youngsters and I think it speaks volumes about them and the future.
Being my age in the gay community is an aberration, and abnormality. The young ones would just as soon not have us around. Just like in the entertainment business, someone my age is considered old and left for the proverbial pasture. Well I don’t feel old. In fact I feel better now than I ever did before and I think I look a lot younger than I am, yet even I feel the effects of the loathing that today’s youth generally has for us folks and I don’t like it.

"I'm not cocky...I just love myself!" - C. Aguilera
I am speaking from experience here and I will back it up with a couple of stories below. You see, I’ve never pursued a young person anywhere, but the ones I’ve had contact with have all pursued me. At this point in time I’ve had enough bad experiences that I’m starting to feel disdain for them in the same way they do us. All I can say is that karma is a bitch and Father Time yields to no one. Those who choose to act like assholes towards older people or anyone else for that matter will get it back someday. I only wish I was going to be around to see it!
Splash Friday
Last night did not turn out well. My friend and I met up as planned and had a decent time for awhile. Around 2AM, the two of us had gone downstairs to check out the music and we were dancing. Some guy who was dancing nearby came up and started dancing with me as I had my back to my friend. In a flash, he made a beeline away from us and around the bar. When I saw this I immediately went after him, but lost him in the crowd. WTF? I looked upstairs and there he was, dancing on the dance floor by himself, oblivious to the fact that I was even there.
It was typical, strange behavior that I’d experienced before with him. As I mentioned the other day, he’s young and very young-minded, narcissistic and rude. All he had to have done was say that he was going to check out the scene upstairs and I would’ve been fine with that, but he chose to be rude about it. And to make matters worse, he didn’t even realize he was being rude.
I was pissed and went straight to the coat room and left. I texted him from the car, telling him that I had left, but before calling him a few choice words. In about five minutes the texts started flying. You see, I was his ride home and of course, being the (dumb-idiotic-jerky) nice guy that I am, I ended up going back to the bar to get him. It was a good thing he texted me when he did because I was almost at the Midtown tunnel and beyond going back.
The ride home was awkward and I think he actually made a date towards the end of the ride, for he was texting back and forth with someone and it was 3:30AM. I dropped him off and figured it was the last I’d hear from him…at least that’s what I wanted, but he texted me this morning apologizing for what happened. I think he’d like to go to Splash again with me, but believe me, it won’t be for awhile!
Vanity is an appropriate name
Last week I mentioned a Facebook friend of mine named Craig Vanity. He’s a deejay who makes a lot of great mash-ups of dance songs. I put a link to his website and mentioned doing a future piece on him, but I think that’s all done with now. Well, he turned out to be another ass of today’s generation.
After posting about him on the blog, I sent him an email telling him about the mention and asking him if he’d answer some questions for a piece. I never received a response, but he posted something on his wall that I think referred to me. It went:
“really ppl aka creeps, stop messaging me in my inbox askin for my number and dick pix, thank you and gnite”
It’s obvious that if it was intended for me, the man doesn’t read, nor can he write. He probably just saw my face and age and came up with a conclusion, a wrong conclusion…and all because he doesn’t bother to read. In looking over his wall, I can see he’s typical of young people today: he uses a lot of profanity, talks about random inane things, and he doesn’t work. Well, of course I don’t know everything about the guy, but he gave up an opportunity to possibly be seen and heard by people who might never have ever heard of him otherwise, and for that I think he’s a jackass! Remember karma!
Of course there’s much more to the story. These are but two individuals that i have come in contact with who only see the world as being centered around their young selves. Of course, every generation has had that certain cockiness and self-serving minds, but this time it’s different. In this day of instant electronic messaging from a wide ranging set of mediums, they are an impatient, me-first generation, unlike their predessessors. They are the NOW Generation.
*Of course, this post generalizes a great deal. I have to acknowledge that there are a great number of people in today's generation who do not exhibit the qualities of narcissism and rudeness I've described above. The opinions expressed are based on personal experiences with a couple of young gay men, among many others I come across in daily life and are not meant to paint everyone with this broad brush. The folks that do exhibit these behaviors, though, do deserve to be exposed.
NOW Generation
We are the now generation
We are the generation now
This is the now generation
This is the generation now
I want money
I want it want it want it
Fast internet
Stay connected in a jet
Wi-fi, podcast
Blasting out an SMS
Text me and I text you back
Check me on the iChat
I'm all about that h t t p
You're a PC I'm a Mac
I want it..
Myspace in your space
Facebook is a new place
Dip divin' socializin'
I'll be out in cyber space
Google is my professor
Wikipedia checker
Checkin my account
Loggin in and loggin out
Baby I want it..
This is the now generation
This is the generation now
We are the now generation
I want I want I want it now
I want the cold hard cash
I want I want I want it now
And I just can't wait
I need it immediately
And I just can't wait
I want it immediately
Cause time can't wait and
I sure can't wait
I ain't got no patience
I sure can't wait
We are the now generation
We are the generation now
This is the now generation
This is the generation now
I want money
I want cold hard cash
I'll take your dollar and your euro
And you'll have a blast
So take your day and your credit
And stick it up your ass
And do it now!
I want it now!
Big money, give me mo' money
(Yeah I want it now!)
I need cas.. oh I need it bad
(I want it now!)
Quick in a hurry
Like your name is Flash
(I want it now!)
You make me wait?
And Im'a whip your ass
(I want it now!)
I want it now baby!
I want it
I want it
Fast, rapido
Really quick like torpedo
Need for speed is my credo
You need to feed this negrito
Sender, buyer, brother boat
Rapid like a thunder bolt
Activated rock the boat
Just ask Barack who broight the hope to
It was a now generation
And I just can't wait
I need it immediately
And I Just can't wait
I want it immediately
Cause if time can't wait then
I sure can't wait
I ain't got no patience
No I just can't wait
Not again
No time for procrastination
Improve my sensation
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