It’s Thursday night, the night before the last day of school. I’ve already got a busy week ahead of me, starting with tomorrow so I’m not really too excited yet. Once I get to start sleeping late and being a night owl again I know I’ll feel much better. Life has been so busy lately that it’s been hard for me to get here, though I’ve had a lot of things to share. It’s already a little late, so I don’t know how far I’ll get, so for what it’s worth, here goes…
Mission Organization
Testing at school finally ended today, thank goodness. For some reason, all of the Regents Examinations were extra hard this spring and my students took forever to take them. The shortest test was Geometry, which clocked in at a little over four hours, and the longest was US History, which took three of my students a whopping nine and a half hours to finish! Most of them passed, so I guess all the effort was worth it, but it’s certainly been a grueling week.
I’m a little disappointed in things as far as work is concerned. I haven’t written a “Crossroads” piece because there are none to be found. Everything is at a dead standstill and it’s very frustrating. Ever since I made the decision to go for a job first (which is still the right one, I believe), it seems like nothing’s gone right. In all, so far I’ve applied for seven job openings and haven’t gotten a single call. I had hoped to be packing a lot of my school stuff up just in case, but instead all I did was some much needed organizing of my classroom and teaching stuff. For now, it looks like I’m at a standstill and I’ll be back where I am in September…
In the meantime it’s time to get organized at home. Once the next week settles down it’s time to hunker down and start getting really organized with my home and my writing especially. I need to take the time while I’ve got it to start unloading junk so that when I do move eventually it’ll be easier, and as for my writing…since I’m off for the summer, I need to get a rolling in a more organized and efficient way. We’ll have to see where this takes me because I may just have to give up a writing gig or two so that I can streamline what I do and be more productive with it.
The past few weeks have been frustrating, as I have so little time to write and I feel a little overwhelmed with pressure to get more done. I only hope I find a way…
First Weekend
Well, my first weekend is already jam packed with stuff. After tomorrow’s school day is out, there are lots of errands to be done and then Saturday is Graduation Day. After graduation comes the rest of Gay Pride weekend… I haven’t decided what I’m doing on Saturday night yet, but on Sunday I’ll be partaking in the City’s Pride Fest with my two buddies, Blanche and Dita. I kind of feel like I’m dragging them along, but I’m hoping it’ll be fun. Stay tuned…
Well, that’s all for now. It’s already late and I have no time for more, so thanks for reading and here’s hoping I’ll have something more substantial and entertaining to say next time.
Here's a couple of cool shots of bridges, which I find fascinating...

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