Today is Monday, and Mondays are probably peoples' least favorite day of the week, by and large. First day back to work after the weekend, the long week ahead, waking up early...all those things. Well for me, and a lot of other people it seems, today was the kind of Monday that we all dread, the one that probably couldn’t get much worse.
It started off when I woke up late. Today was my turn to drive in my carpool and there’s always just a little added pressure to get moving in the morning, so I was jolted into action from the moment I awoke, around 5:45. Though I did make it on time to pick up my buddy Kim, I did forget to pack my lunch, which normally is not a big deal, except today.
Today was the 8th Grade NY State Science Exam and I have two 8th graders in my class. That meant that I would have to proctor their exam, as they get extra time, and I would be working with them during my ungodly lunch period at 9:15AM. I don’t normally eat that early, but whenever I don’t bring lunch that is the time that I go and get it, but not today. I also use that period and the last period of the day, my only two without a class full of students, just to get out of the classroom so I can keep my sanity, otherwise I can be one cranky teacher. There were two things right off the bat to get my day off to a shiny start. I was going to be holed up in my classroom from 7:30AM to almost 2PM.
Luckily, one of my students offered to pick lunch up for me at the deli, which was nice of him. I’d be eating a little later than normal, but at least I’d be eating. The test went well. My two students worked quietly for a few periods, and I was getting stuff done. Lunch came and once I got that period’s students going with their work, I sat down to eat it. By then I was starving! I no sooner unwrapped my sandwich and grabbed it to put into my mouth when the fire alarm went off. Yes, we were having a fire drill.
The rest of my day at work was hectic. The end of the year is a very trying time for teachers, with testing, budgeting, and all of the other end-of-the-year stuff. By the time my 8th period study hall class came, I was exhausted. Since it was so beautiful outside, the kids asked if we could go out for the period to play a little basketball. Since they’re not the most studious of students and I was tempted at the thought of leaving my classroom, I said yes.

We all took a walk out to the basketball courts and the kids immediately started shooting hoops. Just as I began to put my butt down on the curb to sit with the two girls in the class, one of the boys yelled out to me.
“Hey Mr. Myers, there’s only five of us. We need you to play.”
“Okay,” I thought. I used to play basketball and I hadn’t in awhile. I joined in.
Within five minutes I was huffing and puffing, trying to keep up with the five 13 year olds, and I have to say I held my own for an old dude, that is until one of the kids on the opposing team charged down the court alone and I tried to catch him. I put my hand out to knock the ball away from him.
“Ouch,” I screamed. I had hit the ball from an awkward position and, to make a long story short, I believe I broke my finger. At least it’s on my left hand, the ring finger, but even now it’s swollen and throbbing right at the knuckle. I didn’t let on that I had been injured and kept playing until we were done.

I got some ice packs from the school nurse and headed to the faculty meeting after school. Yes, it was a looong Monday! When I finally got home around 5 o’clock, my finger was in a splint and the mess I had left in my house needed to be taken care of. During a break I logged into Facebook to catch up and there were least five other people who mentioned in their statuses that they were having terrible days too. It must be something in the air, or perhaps a full moon. It was definitely one of those manic Mondays. Oh, and I did get one phone call today…it was from the dentist reminding me that I had an appointment tomorrow that I had forgotten about. Oh joy!
I’m kind of glad I don’t watch the news anymore. I was on Twitter earlier and there was one story that kept popping up. I’m sure you know it….Anthony Weiner. I’d heard a little about what was going on with the dude, sexting pics of his thing and all. Today he apparently gave a press conference where he admitted to it all. Okay, okay, so the guys an idiot, not so much for what he did, but the fact that he did it knowing his job and status in the public eye.
I spoke to my friend Rich about it, and he gave me the scoop I hadn’t been following. Yeah, the story’s titillating, it’s got sex and infidelity and a public figure, but why does this get so much attention? It kind of shakes my faith people and society in general, but of course I had to check out “the picture” for myself. I won’t share it here but if you haven’t seen it, click here.
To check out the story of today’s latest on the “Weinergate” saga, click on the pic below. That’s all I’m gonna say about that, for now…

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