Image Source: CatwalkQueen
A Dream Duet?
Yesterday afternoon Twitter was all abuzz about an impending Kylie Minogue/Madonna collaboration. Though I sensed from the start it was a hoax, for a little while there I was hoping that it wasn’t. The tweets were literally flying every few seconds and I began to think of the possibilities. I’ve always thought of Kylie as the Aussie equivalent of Madonna, and it would be so awesome to see what the two would do together.
I suggested to one of my Twitter friends that the collab would have to be both sassy and sexy, a la “Slow” and “Erotica.” I could definitely feel that. Hmmm????? Well of course the whole thing turned out to be a rumor, much like I thought, but it was nice to daydream about it for a bit anyway. Ah, maybe someday…..that would be so cool!
Here's a cool Kylie/Madge mash-up I found on YouTube of "Love at First Sight" and "Holiday." Enjoy!
Writing Wednesday
So last week I had to scramble to get in my eight articles for Gather and I ended up falling short by one piece. I woke up Saturday morning needing to get two in before the midnight deadline and the first one I did, about the Winter Classic hockey game on Monday, got rejected at first because I didn’t have access to the site’s sports channel. Eventually it made it in, but having to rework a Yahoo Voices piece and other commitments forced me to stop there, short one piece.
So I have no idea what’s going to happen with Gather. This was the second time I failed to hit my monthly minimum. Like I said before, the pressure of having to get that many in while working full time and with a limited number of available stories is really causing me to rethink writing for them. I’m just not sure yet…anyway, here’s what I published this week on Gather:
New Music for 2012: What to Expect
I did one just like this for Yahoo last year and it got a lot of page views, more than a thousand. I expected this one to do well, and it has, though not as well as last year’s item. There’s plenty of stuff coming our way in the music world, starting off with an exciting one for me (and many others!) in the new Madonna album. Check out the piece and see who else is planning new stuff for 2012 by clicking on the title above.

Image Source: 5-hole
The NHL's 5th Annual Winter Classic: NY Rangers vs. Philadelphia Flyers
I should have written this one sooner, but better late than never, right? I spoke of this game on Monday, which the Rangers won, and this story is a preview of that game. Please check it out!
Yahoo Voices
Yahoo Voices is another website I’m becoming frustrated with. In the past week and a half, I’ve written two pieces for them, only one of which has been published. The other, a look at my choices for the top ten albums of 2010, is yet to be reviewed one week after it was submitted. At this point, what types of page views will it garner?
I’ve been writing for the site for almost five years now and I’ve got almost 400k page views, yet I am no longer trusted to publish content without review. I don’t want to bitch about it, but it is frustrating especially since that was always my favorite place to write for. Now I contemplate…
Anyway, here’s the one piece that did get published there, after a couple of edits (sigh!):
The Top 10 Pop Songs of 2010
Well, that's all she wrote for today. Gonna get back to taking down Christmas from my house, though I'm going to save the tree for a few more days! As always, thanks for checking me out!
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