I know, don't you feel sorry for me....:-P
Crooked Glasses
I wasn't planning on posting again today, but my good old buddy Dita made a point of telling me earlier that the new picture I had chosen to put on my blog as my profile photo wasn't a good choice.
"Look at your glasses," he was giggling into the phone as he was looking at it on his pc. "They're crooked! I can't believe you didn't notice that."
Well, of course I had to go back to take a look and damned if he wasn't right. My glasses are way off on one side, crooked as anything, but with my none too keen eye for detail, I didn't see it before. So I came here to change it. Not so sure about this new one either, but at least there aren't any glasses to be crooked (right Dit?).
I really need some new shots. This new one was from a photo shoot with my buddy Laura Kim a little over a year ago. She's got a great eye and we usually have a lot of fun when we do these, and so I think she and I need to get together real soon!
A Food Shopping Rant
I said awhile ago that I would not use this space to rant too often, but since I'm here and it's on my mind I think I will do a little ranting right now. I did some food shopping earlier tonight, something I hate to do these days, and one of the reasons is the agita I get from looking at the coupons before I get to the supermarket and then again when I see the sales they're having at the store.
I know that in this country, the "family" is a highly valued thing. "Family values" this, "family friendly" that, blah,, blah, blah. You'd would never know from all of the marketing and politicking out there that there are more single people than married ones (especially with kids!) in this country. Yet when it comes to buying stuff we need, we're all supposed to buy like a freaking family.
Have you ever noticed that lately coupons and in-store sales are primarily giving discounts and sale prices when you're buying en masse?
"Save on 2 packages of..."
"4 for $7"
"Save $1.50," (and then in small letters, "must buy 3)"
Well I'm here to say that I don't wanna buy three bottles of Tide detergent to save a buck fifty. Why can't I just buy one and get 50 cents off?
And I really wasn't planning on buying two packages of shredded cheese just so I can save a few cents more. I live alone, for Chrissake! I can't even eat that much cheese before the expiration date comes!
There are some sales, though, where you can get the sale price when buying less quantity, but the signs that are here lead you to believe that you have to buy "10 for $10" or "2 for $5," and it's done on purpose, of course. Ah, but tonight I was reminded of the secret, and it's the same as all the other nefarious secrets in this wonderful, money-driven society we live in:
Yes, folks, if you're ever in the supermarket and you want to buy only a few cans of cat food and not the "24 for $12" deal they've got going on in the store, read the bottom of the sign...you know, where the print is a little smaller. Cause that's something they're required to put there but they don't really want you to see. Unless the sign says, "must buy," you can get the sale price for buying less.

And so this is partially why I'm broke all the time. And this is one of the many reasons I hate food shopping!
A Couple of Photos from the Outlook Awards
There are a couple of fun pictures from last night's event that my buddy Ruby Diamond posted earlier:

Ah well, make it a good week!
Image Sources:
The Krazy Coupon Lady
ReplyDeleteSo you really think your good friend Dita noticed the crooked glasses picture....LOL...I don't think so...ROFLMFAO...
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