It’s Monday night, the last Monday of a work week for me until September…I should be in a great mood, but I’m not really that excited yet. I guess it’s just the thought of waking up at 5AM for four more days, lol. Today was a rough one, as I started it off with a funeral, but at least the weekend was interesting, to say the least…
Lesbian Matchmaker
I don’t really know why I always go to the Grove. I should be going to the Pines, where the men are, but instead I always find myself at Cherry’s On the Bay even though there’s not usually a chance in hell that I’ll ever meet anyone there. I guess I’m just used to going there and besides, I’ve heard the Pines doesn’t get started until really late and I have to work myself up to staying out there all night long. It’s one of my goals for the summer!
This week was Cherry’s “New Year’s Eve” party…I really have no idea what that was. I got there around 9ish and I was at first happy to see there was a crowd already. Unfortunately when I got up close, I saw that it was mostly women. Oh, there were some guys, yes, a couple of cute ones, too, but it definitely wasn’t Splash on a Saturday night if you know what I mean. I immediately ran into my friend Michael and we chatted by the dance floor. Within a few minutes one of my songs, ‘Let Me Think About It,’ came on and I was off and dancing as Michael checked his phone messages.
Within seconds, I was dancing with this really beautiful girl who was immediately drawn to me and the way I was dancing. She was with someone, clearly the butcher of the two, and I at first thought they were lovers. The three of us played off of each other for a long time on the dance floor and ended up dancing together on and off again the rest of the night.
I then ran into an old friend of mine, Laurie. You might remember me talking about her. She’s the one I ran into at the Bunkhouse a couple of weeks back that left me with her chatty menstrual friend. She was there sans friend and she was in a much better mood than she was that night.
Laurie and I have known each other for years, but we’ve never gone out together. We usually just run into one another at this place or that, chat a little and that’s it. Since she had come alone Saturday like me, we hung out more than we usually do. She had met two friends there, two guys who I’ve met before. One of them went out briefly with another acquaintance of mine and the other asked me out quite a few times last summer. He looks like Kevin James from that TV show “King of Queens” and so I wasn’t really interested. Needless to say, he wasn’t too happy to see me when Laurie introduced us.
The two of them caught an early ferry and then it was just Laurie and I. The deejay got into some oldies: Prince’s ‘1999,’ Aretha Franklin’s ‘Respect,’ and even some old Michael Jackson. It’s not often you hear that type of music in bars nowadays so we were getting into it. As we danced, Laurie leaned over to ask me if that girl I had been dancing with was with the other girl. She was interested!
“You want me to give you a hand?” I asked, feeling a little excited and confident at the proposition.
“Nah,” she quipped, but I already had my mind set. Even when I was away from the girl, she had been constantly looking over towards me and we kept going back to one another to dance some more all night. I wasn’t sure if Laurie had a chance with her. It seemed to me that the girl she was with might’ve been her lover, and besides, I didn’t know if she’d be attracted to my friend.
For the next hour or so we all danced around, me trying to get the two of them close enough to each other for Laurie to make her move. Finally, a song came on that I just couldn’t dance to…’Last Night,’ by P Diddy, I think, and I left the two of them on the dance floor. My job was done. Laurie and Katherine were dancing and talking up a storm, and I walked away happy.
As things happen over there, I floated off on my own, venturing over to the Ice Palace for a bit and then back to Cherry’s for some more dancing. I was having a good time. Finally, around 12:15 or so, I decided to get my favorite slice of Cherry Grove pizza (I don’t know why, but it’s the best!). I walked over to order a couple of slices and Katherine’s friend, yes she was just a friend, I believe her name was Jaqueline, came to ask me to join the two of them at a table. They had already been eating pizza.
Laurie was still at Cherry’s, but the time soon came for the last ferry and we all met up with her at the dock and rode back to Sayville chatting up a storm like we were all old friends. I have no idea if Laurie ever got her number or if they’ll ever see each other again, but I sure had a good time!
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