Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hey Friends, I Like You...I Do!

I have no idea how I found this kid, but I have to say, he's pretty entertaining.  His name is Alex Constacio and he's part of a larger network of yungins' who put out a lot of videos on YouTube.  Anyway, I first came across his Minnie Mouse, sped-up version of Katy Perry's Wide Awake, and then I watched it a couple of times and checked out some of the suggestions that came on the right hand side of the page, which included this one.

I never heard this song before, and I still don't know anything about it, but the lyrics and the vocals, coupled with Alex's expressions and lip-syncing had me singing the song for hours later, so much so that it is now filed away with the rest of the songs in the iPod of my mind, lol.

Anywho, throughout my evening in the city last night with my friends I kept singing this song in my head.  The guys I went with were my bowling buddies and I'm still getting to know them more and more with each outing together.  During several of my conversations with the guys, the song just kept popping into my head. I guess I was appreciating the moments I was having with these people and I was just thinking subconsciously that I did indeed like them!

So to Gary, Kyle, Al, Sal, Rick, Eric, Steve and Jim, this one's for you!  Lol.... I like you!

Who couldn't love these guys...

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