Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 19, 2011 - Babbling

Boy am I tired! This has been the longest, dreariest week I can remember in a long, long time. It has been raining for what seems like forever, and as I said the other day in my W is for Weather post, your mood can be affected by the weather around you, and so…

Breaking down

Lately it seems like everything around me is breaking down. First it was the dishwasher, then the vacuum, and now the dehumidifier. I’ve got a broken window in my basement and I’m trying to be calm about all of it, but it’s not easy. If I end up leaving my house in the near future, and end up doing it as a short sale, then whatever money I spend will just be for naught, like money down the drain. Grrrrr!!!!!

So close and yet so far

School is winding down very quickly and this time of the year is especially draining for most teachers. In the grand wisdom of the New York State Education Department, we teachers are no longer required to teach as of about late April on. Why, you may ask. Well, the operative word here is “testing.” These poor kids and us poor teachers are taking and administering all sorts of test after test after test, and that’s not even counting the final exams in the middle of June. There’s no time to teach, only do what you can to prepare for and have the kids take the tests. Again, grrrr!!!!!

A-Z and Z-A Bloggers Challenge

Well, I’m almost at the end of the A-Z Challenge…just one letter to go: “Z.” The only thing is, I’m having trouble thinking of a topic for the letter and since I’ve got to delve right back into the Z-A Challenge, I’ve got to think of two! Any suggestions?

So much to do, so little time

I think that what’s making me even more tired is that I’ve definitely bit off more than I can chew, especially with writing. I love writing for all the sites that I write for, but I can’t seem to get stuff out often enough, at least effectively. I love writing for this blog, for it gives me an outlet to write anything and everything I want, but even lately I haven’t had the time to update it like I want to. I don’t exactly know the answer, but hopefully once school is done, I can focus more and be more efficient.

I’ve stopped publishing Pop Music News Weekly on Y!CN, though I would like to keep it going here somehow. I especially would like to cover the iTunes and Billboard Charts of the week because I find them interesting. We’ll see…

In the meantime, I’ve been neglecting my house in favor of writing lately. I wish I could afford a maid, but that’s just not possible, lol. I don’t know how to fix all of these things I have to do, and between the weather and that, I guess I’m feeling a little crappy (and that’s not even mentioning my allergies!).

On the lighter side

Word on Twitter Tuesday was that Madonna was headed to Chicago to do a spot on Oprah’s big finale. The reports were confirmed later, but that’s not what excited me. Supposedly during the show, she announced that she is indeed, finally, working on a new album. I think that this is the longest time she’s ever gone between albums and now I’m officially excited. I’m needing new Madonna!

Saturday night marks the season finale of Saturday Night Live, as well. The guest host will be Justin Timberlake and the musical guest is Lady Gaga. Justin’s been on before and he’s been hilarious every time and Gaga…well Gaga. It’s gonna be a cool show so set your DVR’s.

I think I’ve done enough babbling for one night. Here’s a special wish from Terence Trent Darby and me for Mother Nature. Ciao!

Introducing the Hardline According to Terence Trent D'Arby - Terence Trent D'Arby

1 comment:

  1. I am affected by long stretches of rain too. Ad I can definitely relate to not having enough time to get in all the writing that wants to come spilling out of my pores. I hope you get some sunshine soon and find the answers to your problems.
