Saturday, May 21, 2011

Song of the Day - Ojos Así - Shakira

Today's "Song of the Day" is one of my favorite Shakira songs. It's called 'Ojos Asi',' which means 'eyes like yours' and what I love about it is the mix of international influences heard on it. The song is sung in mostly Spanish, but it's got a strong Middle Eastern sound to it as well. I'm not sure what language is being spokenn during the chorus, Arabic maybe, but it's catchy nonetheless and good for a fast moving bellydance.

The song is from the singer's 'Laundry Service' album and is found on there in both Spanish and English, but my favorite version is from a mix CD called 'Let's Dance.' The version is 'Meme's 2001 Night Mix' and unfortunately there is no video for this version of the track. I did find an audio, which you can listen to at the end if you like. To me it's the most danceable and the most fun.

Laundry Service - Shakira

Meme's 2001 Night Mix (audio)

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