Happy Friday everyone! Well, I’ve just written a piece that I hope is newsworthy, at least in the music world. “Songs for Japan” Digital Album Released on ITunes Today spreads the word on a new album put together for Japan earthquake relief and I hope that being early on in the reporting of it will score me some good page views. The project is definitely worthy of attention and surprisingly there are a lot of songs on it that I don’t already own, so I may just pick myself up a copy and help out in my own way. You can, too, right here.

More writing stuff
I also published my monthly piece on new music coming in April today. Y!CN published it quickly after I submitted it and for that I’m thankful. For this one, I used a variety of sources that helped me get the most complete monthly listing I’ve published so far. Check it out right here.
I finally hit 300,000 page views on Thursday! As of this morning, I’m at 300,770 hits. I’m pretty proud of that!

I’ve still got that test article to write for the Y!CN Featured Music Contributor position. I’m still toying with the idea of comparing GaGa and Madonna at the same stages of their respective careers. A good friend of mine suggested also the changes in how we listen to music over the years, which is another worthy topic. Any other suggestions? I’d love to hear em’. The piece is due by Sunday and I’ve got to make this one good! I have a feeling I’ll be in my sleepwear most of the day tomorrow. I hope it’s not too nice out there!
All is quiet on the stalker front
Thankfully, I haven’t had any more incidences with the stalker since Monday. I hope that the phone call from the police officer finally gave him the message to leave me alone.
Odds and Ends
I’m really starting to love Twitter. After being on it for months and months I think I’m finally starting to get the hang of it. I’ve now got 130 followers and I can see from at least my stats here that I’m getting hits from it, and making friends, too. If you have a Twitter account, you can follow me right here. I will reciprocate!
I’m actually toying with the idea of going to the Bunkhouse tonight. I stopped going there way back in September, when I began frequenting Splash. I used to go on Saturday nights, and it was always a crapshoot whether or not there was any type of a crowd, but their “DaBunk Fridays” is always crowded, albeit with a mostly younger crowd. Money’s a little tight this week and I’m gonna just save Splash for tomorrow.
This morning I put an En Vogue song as today’s “Song of the Day.” I LOVED this group back when they were together in the early 1990’s and I was saddened when they first went down to 3 members and then disappeared altogether. I always felt that they had super talent…their harmonies were awesome! To me, they were a much better girl group than the more successful Destiny’s Child,, but what do I know?

After posting “Free Your Mind” this morning, I decided to play my En Vogue folder on my iPod on the way to work and it was a real waker upper for my ride to work. They had so many great songs back then. Of course, “My Lovin’ (Never Gonna Get It) was the bomb, and so was their joint effort with Salt N’ Pepa (another favorite!), “Whatta Man.” I wanted to share another song or two here, and I had trouble choosing, so I’m putting two of them here. The first is one of my favorites, though it was never a single or a video. This first clip is just an audio of the group’s song, “It Ain’t Over (Till the Fat Lady Sings)”. Check it out:
The next one was the girls' first single, "Hold On." Of course it was the song that got me to like them in the first place and the intro is taken from the classic tune "Who's Lovin You." Perfect harmonies, sultry and sexy. Enjoy!
Well, that's all for today. I'm sure I'll be back on here before the weekend is out, so until them, have a good one and thanks for reading!
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