A nice reaction

After writing yesterday’s post, I knew I had a winner. After some good feedback from friends and readers I decided to rework the piece for YCN. You can check it out here. Already it’s gotten several comments and I’ve gotten a couple of texts, which I’m going to share two here:
John, If you are going to write these kinds of articles, can you please put a disclaimer on the very top that says, "WARNING: Grab the tissues!" OMG, tear running down my cheeks, I can't even hardly see the screen to type this. I love that Diana song, way too many memories....if Joe reads this and doesn't call you...he may have to deal with me :) Hugs!
Michele Starkey commenting on YCN
I love comments like that! And here’s a text from my buddy Laura Kim:
Your piece, “Remember Me” actually made me cry. My birds thought I was having a breakdown. Dale (her boyfriend) just rolled his eyes and smacked me in the head, lol.
I love writing these types of pieces, where I interweave musical lyrics with my personal experiences (Like I did in Soundtrack of a Relationship, which is still getting decent hits!). I got another great complement today from an old friend, Caroline. For whatever reason, the link I put to the blog piece on Facebook got her attention and she read it. Here’s what she said:
JOHN!! I am ashamed to admit that "Remember Me" is the very first blog written by you that I have ever read!!!! I am not sure what YCN stands for but it is certainly worthy of ANY publication!!
Of course I did not stop at "Remember Me". I also read your Father’s Tribute: I and II. I intend to go back and read more of your blogs (when time allows). Thank you for that. I am now a “John Myers GROUPIE!!! LOL!!
That’s exactly why I write! I know I have a gift for it and I only hope that someday I’ll touch enough people in that way. I’ve just got to keep on keeping on…
I think these types of pieces are definitely my niche and I hope to do some more like them in the future.
Here are links to the other pieces I’ve published on Y!CN:
Diana Ross’ Top Twenty Songs
Pop Music News Weekly, March 1, 2011
And for Examiner:
Photo exhibits, pro wrestling and more around Long Island this weekend
Well not much else is going on this boring Wednesday night. I’m going to leave you with one of my newest favorite songs. It’s called “Own It” by the Black Eyed Peas off of their latest album, “The Beginning.” The song is about living for your dreams and owning the chance to get them:
“This is your chance to own it
This is your chance, your moment
This is your chance, don't blow it
Go out and own it”
Enjoy the song, it’s very inspirational, and thanks!
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