It seems the writing Gods have been smiling on me lately or I’ve just been better than usual. The hits to my work have been in the thousands for four days straight, a clear cut record for me. Where I had recently been hoping to hit 250K page views by the end of February, I have now soared to over 256K with two days still to go in January. My daily average has risen to 510, which is phenomenal. Some of the articles doing it for me include:
New Music Releases for 2011: What to Expect (9832 hits in a month!)
Songs of Love and Devotion for Valentine’s Day (3962 hits in a week and featured on the front page of YCN!)
Weight Watchers: In the End It’s Still a Diet (1102 hits in a week!)
Top Ten Rap/Dance Songs of All Time (Still my biggest receiver of hits at more than 16K)
All of these and several more have combined to give me these wonderful numbers and I hope it’s a sign of bigger things to come!
A Heartwarming Moment
On Friday, I attended an annual ESL teacher’s conference, which is always a great event. I think that ESL teachers are all special people and as always it showed during a moment at the conference. Once the morning speakers had finished giving their speeches, a kindergarten class from a local elementary school came to the stage and reminded us of why we do what we do. You see, the class is a mixed dual language class made up of Hispanic and American children. They get a half a day’s instruction in each language so that both sets of kids will learn benefit from being bilingual. I think it’s the true meaning of bilingual education, though too many of these programs do not work in this way.
Anyway, the kids came to the stage to entertain us with their work. After reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in both languages, they performed two songs featuring both languages. With over 400 attendees at the conference, you would have been hard pressed to find someone without a great big smile on their faces. The experience was goose bump inducing!
A Meaningful Poem
This morning, as I was writing this entry, I was taking breaks in between to read some of what my fellow writers are writing and I came across a poem written by my friend Charlotte Kuchinsky. I’ve only known Charlotte for a few months, but ever since she named me “Most Intriguing Music Writer for 2010” I’ve come to know why she is a three time-plus millionaire (in page views!) on YCN. She is a very talented writer with many genres thrown into the mix, including poetry.
The poem is entitled “Friendship’s Promise” and upon first read, I couldn’t help but relate what she’d written to my own life. Though friendship is and will continue to be a struggle for me with him, I find it so hard to break away completely. I told him just yesterday that if he’s ever in need, I will always be there for him, and I meant it. If I can’t have him in my life the way I would like, I still care deeply enough not to let go completely, though that may not always be. I’ve had a recent experience with him that I will post later, but for now I’d like to share Charlotte’s poem. It speaks for me almost as much as any song I’ve posted here, and though not every word pertains to me, much of it could have been written by me. Enjoy!
Friendship’s Promise
If you want to break my heart
There is little I can do,
But no matter what happens
Know I will always love you.
People change as they grow up;
Seek to leave others behind.
They don't care how they hurt them
Or how they mess with their mind.
It is not I who have changed.
It is not I who am lost.
I wouldn't wish anyone
To become so tempest tossed.
That's why I can't desert you.
That's why I cannot flee.
Someone has to be here
So it might as well be me.
I promise I will you catch you.
I will never let you fall.
I'll do all in my power
To help see you through it all.
Though I fade into the background
Just to honor your desire.
My heart will beat in friendship
To deliver you from fire.
My love will never die dear
Nor can it ever depart.
All that you are and once were
Is sealed safe within my heart.
To read more of Charlotte’s work, click here.
A Pet Peeve
I have a strong pet peeve when it comes to winter and more specifically, snow. There are so many lazy people out there who are too lazy to clean off their cars of the white stuff, posing a threat to others out there. The other day, there was a maniac on the Southern State Parkway weaving in and out of traffic and the roof of his car was caked with snow. A county legislator, I believe, recently put out a proposal to make a law against this non-practice and I hope it comes to fruition! Take a look and see what I mean:
As always, thanks for reading!
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